Henk Delabie
Cells, concrete
Cell I, 2019, 12,5 x 13 x 10,5 cm, concrete Cell II, 2019, 12 x 12 x 10 cm, concrete
Cell III, 2019, 12 x 12 x 12 cm, concreteCell IV, 2020, 12,5 x 13 x 10,5 cm, concrete
Cell VI, 2020, 12,5 x 13 x 10 cm, concrete Cell VII, 2020, 12 x 12 x 12 cm, concrete
Cell IX, 2020, 25,5 x 7 x 11 cm, concrete
Cells, plywood
Cell – plywood I, 2020, 13,5 x 17 x 17 cm, plywood, styrofoam
Untitled, 2020, 21 x 29,7cm, pencil on paper
Studio view, 2020, study with paper, tape
Cell – plywood II, 2020, 13,5 x 18 x 17 cm, plywood, styrofoam Cell - plywood III, 2020, 12,5 x 18 x 17,5 cm, plywood, styrofoam
Blind Spot Sculptures to participate / to hang out Passage Kamer van ZĂ© Untitled Passage Unit Access Shutters for a Closed House Lines Units Never-ending Walk _ Lokeren Triptych – Diptych Cells Falter Piece Drawings